Book One Hectare of Coffee


Beau livre sur les caféiculteurs. Photos, illustrations et textes présentent leur quotidien, les outils qu’ils utilisent, et les moyens avec lesquels ils prennent soin de leurs plantes.
200 pages
Portrait format 210x148 mm
ISBN : 978-2-95-884150-8

In stock

EAN: 9782958841508 Category:


This book describes the lives of coffee growers who own plots of less than 2 hectares. To supply the world with coffee, millions of people of 3 continents dedicate their life to take care of the coffee plants.
This book is written in tribute to the peasants. Photos, illustrations and texts present their challenges and anecdotes. All the content was produced by the authors.
Written after various experiences in different producing countries, living in the villages and working in the fields.
200 pages
Portrait format 210x148 mm
ISBN : 978-2-95-884150-8

Additional information

Weight 0,360 kg
Dimensions 21 × 14,8 × 1,5 cm


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